Wednesday, September 21, 2011

IRONMAN - Tony Stark Light-Up LED Shirt.

Ever wanted to look like Tony Stark in Ironman?

This Iron Man Arc Reactor Shirt has three components: the t-shirt, a light panel with a long cable, and a battery box. When fresh batteries are in the battery box and the unit is switched on, the Arc Reactor shines brightly. So this particular arc reactor isn't going to keep shrapnel from working its way into your heart or power your repulsor beams.

For some reason, the GIF file didnt turn out ok, but who cares lah... LOL.

Do note one thing though - this 'Arc Reactor'....

Will not prevent shrapnel from reaching your heart LOL!!! Hahahahaha....

McQ by Alexander McQueen Fall Winter Collection 2011.

Enjoy 10% off on all new arrivals - specially for YTL Platinum PLUS Members. =)

Restoran Wong Poh, Bukit Mayang Mas.

When I have my seafood cravings, one of the places that I head out to is Restoran Wong Poh near Aman Suria in PJ. In fact, I am such a fan of this place that I have blogged about it previously, and I just love this place so much!!! =) Since I have blogged about it - lets keep this post simple, but plenty of pictures to make you mouth water and hungry right now ya... hahaha =)

Basically, salted egg goes well with ANYTHING!

Crabs... i just love my crabs!!!

I also damn layan fried rice too... and the ones here... damn good.

The mantaos were rather dry though; maybe an off day for the mantao chef?

...and how about more crabs!!! =)

Restaurant Wong Poh
36 & 38 Jln BM 1/2
Bukit Mayang Mas
47301 Petaling Jaya
Tel: 603-7803 3527

Movie Review - Johnny English Reborn.

Watched this on Tuesday night. Awesome movie. =) Prepared to laugh until stomach ache.

Johnny English Reborn - currently already in cinemas, so catch it while it is still there! =P

SO..... you want any spoilers or not?

This is the movie plot - according to Wikipedia. LOL.

English attempts to stop a group of international assassins before they eliminate a world leader and cause global chaos. In the years since MI-7's top spy vanished off the grid, he has been honing his unique skills in a remote region of Asia. But when his agency superiors learn of an attempt against the Chinese premier's life, they must hunt down the highly unorthodox agent. Now that the world needs him once again, Johnny English is back in action. With one shot at redemption, he must employ the latest in hi-tech gadgets to unravel a web of conspiracy that runs throughout the KGB, CIA and even MI-7. With mere days until a heads of state conference, one man must use every trick in his playbook to protect the world.

Basically, go watch it ok. It is damn good. I highly recommend it.

Got nice cars, random storyline and plot, funny characters... and not forgetting...


As the world falls down

Caught in a trap
I can’t walk out
Because I worry too much, baby

It’s agonising when decisions feel too hard to make. The result is paralysis – you neither move forward nor back. Everything feels so heavy – giant boulders that only I can balance and all my attention is on them so I miss seeing the flowers around the edges. Sometimes I look away and the world sparkles but dem boulders are just so big, they demand dominance.

Depression is an awful thing. The problem is it doesn’t allow for any perspective – thoughts fracture and scurry around in tiny circles. There are no solutions in that darkness; it’s very claustrophobic. There's a feeling of separation from others, like living in a bubble - the partition is there but no one else can see it.

I can only write about it when it’s not with me (although if you are prone to depression it never exactly goes away – it circles your perimeter fence and waits for an unwary sentry). But I still can’t make any decisions – and I really need to, soon, at any rate. I’ve sequestered myself away for too long and need to start living a life again.

I had some time out recently – I had the house to myself and booked time off the day job to enjoy the peace and quiet in the hope that it would be productive. It took a little while to change the swing of my thoughts from day job to writing, but once I was in the zone, so to speak, it was fantastic. I was up at 6am each day and tapping furiously on the keyboard. The rewrite didn’t know what hit it. I forged ahead and fell in love with words again – that magic moment when the writing wheels seem to turn on their own. At the end of each day I looked back and thought gosh! I did that! I wrote that! It was a feeling that had been a long time missing.

I’m back at work now and still have that time-off energy – I can feel it as I make lists of work things to do, hum a tune on the way to the office kitchen, catch up with colleagues. It is prompting me to chip little bits off those boulders, to tackle small decisions that are easier to digest. It calls my attention to everything I love about autumn and tells me that the world is wonderful and good things are ahead for me. Maybe all I needed was a little break, after all.

Image from the film poster for Labyrinth; title also from the film

Belalang Hijau Oxya chinensis Kawin

foto belalang kawin_Oxya chinensis mating

Ini adalah foto-foto belalang hijau Oxya chinensis yang sedang kawin yang aku temui di persawahan di daerah Sawoo, Ponorogo, Jawa Timur, beberapa waktu lalu. Saat itu aku sengaja main ke persawahan untuk melihat-lihat siapa tahu ada sesuatu yang menarik. Disana aku menuju ke sawah milik bude ku yang saat itu sedang ditanami kacang tanah.

Sambil menemani bude yang sedang membersihkan rumput yang tumbuh disekitar tanaman kacang tanahnya, aku memperhatikan belalang-belalang yang berlompatan karena terusik oleh aktifitas bude ku. Dan ternyata diantara belalang-belalang  itu terdapat sepasang belalang hijau Oxya chinensis yang sedang kawin. Nah ini dia yang aku cari-cari nih :-), langsung saja aku menyiapkan kamera hape dan berjalan perlahan mendekat ke arah pasangan belalang yang sedang asik tersebut dan mulai mengambil foto-foto belalang hijau kawin tersebut dengan kamera hapeku.

Bude yang melihat tingkahku menanyakan apa yang sedang aku foto sambil nunging di pinggir sawahnya. Ia tertawa setelah tahu apa yang aku foto. Memangnya di kota tidak ada belalang ya? katanya sambil tertawa. Dan sore itu ketika ia pulang dari sawah, sementara aku sudah pulang terlebih dahulu sebelumnya, ia membawakanku seekor belalang sembah besar untuk aku foto. Makasih bude…sayangnya hari sudah sore jadi akhirnya belalang itu aku lepaskan saja :-)

grasshopper mating_Oxya chinensis

Klasifikasi Ilmiah Belalang Hijau Oxya chinensis
Kingdom Animalia Linnaeus, 1758 – kerajaan binatang (animals)
Phylum Arthropoda Latreille, 1829 – filum  hewan beruas (arthropods)
Class Insecta Linnaeus, 1758 – kelas serangga (insects)
Order Orthoptera Latreille, 1793 – bangsa belalang dan jangkrik (grasshoppers, crickets, locusts)
Family Acrididae MacLeay, 1821 – keluarga belalang (grasshoppers, locusts)
Genus Oxya Serville, 1831 – marga
Species Oxya chinensis (Thunberg, 1815) – jenis
Acrididae adalah keluarga belalang (grasshoppers, locusts) yang mempunyai antena relatif pendek dan tebal (short-horned grasshoppers), beda dengan Tettigoniidae yang merupakan keluarga belalang daun (bush crickets atau katydids) yang mempunyai antena yang relatif panjang yang biasanya melebihi panjang tubuhnya (long-horned grasshoppers).

Locusts adalah sebutan untuk grasshoppers yang mengalami perubahan warna dan prilaku diakibatkan oleh tingginya tingkat populasi yang ada.

Nama yang tertera di belakang nama taksonomi merupakan nama orang yang pertama kali memberi deskripsi atau gambaran mengenai takson tersebut (deskriptor).
Jika suatu spesies digolongkan dalam genus yang berbeda dari yang berlaku sekarang, nama deskriptor ditulis dalam tanda kurung.


klasifikasi ilmiah lebih lengkap bisa dilihat di:
Oxya chinensis mating_belalang kawin
Oxya chinensis mating 
grasshopper mating
Oxya chinensis mating_grasshopper mating
Foto-foto belalang hijau Oxya chinensis yang sedang kawin adalah hasil jeprat jepret hape sony ericsson k800i di sawah bude di Grogol, Sawoo, Ponorogo, Jawa Timur.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

A Good Malaysian - Starbucks Gardens MidValley. =)

Last night I was with the Devil here - at Starbucks Gardens MidValley.

Yes, this branch. =)

Anyways, this is how the story goes... It was 30 minutes before Johnny English - and we decided to go for coffee at Starbucks. The Devil, ahaha... being a super blur Devil, went to buy latte at the counter, and fair enough, after paying for the drink and so on, this excited but blur devil was layaning her coffee so much... that she left her wallet there.... Of cos, she didnt realized it at all...

This morning, the Devil got a call from the bank telling her that she lost her wallet - to which, she confidently replied "WHERE GOT?" haha... anyways, all are well sorted now, and its all good - all thanks to one very nice Mr Frankie of the Starbucks Gardens MidValley branch. =) This Mr Nice Frankie was the one who called up the bank, and then kept the wallet in the branch safe - whereby the Devil then called him up, and picked up her wallet this morning.

So - on behalf of the Devil, this post is to thank Mr Frankie (sorry dunno your full name) for being honest and helpful, and for calling up and basically taking good care of the Devil's belongings.

Someone help me post up this blogpost to pls LOL. =)

See... who said that there were no more good Malaysians?