So, I am sat in the hairdressers last night and being forced into conversation by the hair stylist who still has not learnt that I do not want to talk. When having my hair done I relish the opportunity to relax, read a magazine and have a complete cup of coffee in peace. I would prefer not to engage in what is mostly inane and surface level conversation. Call me grumpy but I see this as my chance for a little me time.
Anyway, let's call her Sheila, was banging on about anything under the sun while I do my best to shut the conversation down. Subtlety was not working and so obviously my grunts and 'really's' were all that were required. So onwards she went and into the marriage of the Prince of Monaco and 'that poor girl'. She sweepingly cannoned on with regard to the 2 and possibly 3 children he has fathered out of marriage, she meets my eye in the mirror and says 'one of the mothers was even black!'. Really. Truly. Honestly this is what she said like it is the most natural thing in the world to drop such a racist comment and then continue in the vein of how beautiful the brides dress was. For a moment I wondered if I had misheard her. Sadly not.
I have never heard such prejudice used in such a natural and unassuming way. She saw and sees nothing wrong in this statement. I do not understand how people can think mixed cultural and ethnic marriages or relationships are wrong. But some people do and yesterday I was reminded of this fact. Happily I rarely experience opinions like this but that once in a while makes it quite shocking.
I didn't challenge her words and I reflect maybe I should. Would it do any good? Probably not but if everyone thought like that then beliefs and opinions would never be challenged. Debate is good I think but maybe the hairdressers is not the forum for it!
Friday, July 29, 2011
Friday, July 15, 2011
Shoreditch Games 15/07/2011 - Day 3
Run Fun Starz produced exciting Cricket competitions for over 200 children at the Shoreditch Games in the Britannia Leisure Centre. It was sponsored by UBS and organised by SportInspired - 15/-7/2011. In the Hammerson Community Games 2011 - Day 1 blog we promised you some pictures. Here they are. Enjoy!
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The girls show support for their school. Great banner Girls! |
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Young man makes a run for it after super big hit |
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Maroon Team get ready to make the catch |
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Everyone patiently waiting for UBS Staff take each other on for some Judo You can see more pictures at Twitpic. |
Beckton Summer Festival 9/07/2011
This is a Sports Showcase Activity at the Beckton Festival 2011. As part of the event we put on a series of fun cricket matches and drills for local kids aged between 8-15 years. The wheather help up well on this day. Although there were few drops in the afternoon.
You can see more pictures at Twitpic.
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Sumo Wrestling from UEL Sports |
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Young batter hits a sly shot towards the side of the wicket |
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Young fielders get ready for the big hit |
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Run Fun Starz's Professional Multi-Sports Coach gives Bowling Tips |
You can see more pictures at Twitpic.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Hiraishin no Jutsu
gimana jelasinnya ya...???
nonton videonya aja dah...
nonton videonya aja dah...
install :
1º masukan "yomi.ifp" ke dalam GTA3.IMG, anda bisa gunakan tools seperti imgtools
2º copy file "jutsuhiraisin" ke dalam file "C:\program files\rockstar games\gta san andreas\cleo"
jika anda tdk mnmukan file "C:\program files\rockstar games\gta san andreas\cleo"berarti anda blum menginstal cleo
cara pakai:
tekan huruf J untuk menyimpan coordinat.
tekan huruf K untuk menuju coordinat.
tekan huruf L untuk menghapus coordinat.
Change Clothes
untuk mengganti mobil tampa ke ferrari mungkin akan sedikit sulit,,..
karna harus di rombak bener2....
karna harus di rombak bener2....
Install :
letakan semua file yang ada di gta3.img-folder ke gta3.img yang ada di folder gta san andreas mu,
1. buka "handling.cfg" yang ada di "gta sa andreas\data" dengan menggunakan notepad, lalu cari kata "tampa" (tnpa tnda kutip) cara mudah nya tekan [Ctrl + f],
dan copy kan kode di bawah ini lalu paste kan ke kode asli di "handling.cfg"
TAMPA 1300.0 2600.0 2.0 0.0 0.35 -0.2 85 1.0 1.0 0.5 5 360.0 30.0 10.0 R P 30.0 0.5 1 35.0 1.0 0.1 0.0 0.2 -0.1 0.55 1.0 0.25 0.35 900000 C0222010 4400000 2 2 0
2. buka "vehicles.ide" yang ada di "GTA San Andreas\data" dengan menggunakan notepad , lalu cari nomor "549" mudahnya tekan [ Ctrl + F ] ,
dan copy kan kode di bawah ini ,,..lalu paste kan ke kode asli di "vehicles.ide"
549, tampa, tampa, car, TAMPA, TAMPA, null, richfamily, 4, 0, 0, -1, 0.77, 0.77, 1
3. dan sekarang buka "carcols.dat" yang berada di "gta san adnreas\data" dengan menggunakan notepad , lalu cari "tampa",
dan copy kode di bawah ini ke kode asli "carcols"
tampa, 0,0, 3,3, 6,6, 1,1, 15,15, 108,108
4. dan yang terakhir buka "carmods" berada di "gta san andreas\data" buka menggunakan notepad , dan cari "tampa"
dan copy kode di bawah ini ke kode asli "carmods"
tampa, fbmp_a_f, spl_a_f_r, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw
CJ White Skin
pasti banyak yg g seneng dengan kulitnya cj yang gelap (Termasuk gw) ,...wwkowkow
ni pasti cocok bgi loe yg bgitu...
ni pasti cocok bgi loe yg bgitu...
gimana,,??udah cukup putih..???
install :
buka player.img yg ada di dalam gta san andreas- folder,
replace semua file yg ada di player.img-folder yang baru di download dengan img tool atau semacamnya,,..
(kalo mau enak harus berusaha dulu....pegel dikit gpp)
ini dia mod yang paling sering di pakai...
install :
letakan skin.img
di dalam folder cleo,
lalu copy file gta.dat dan paste ke gta san andreas\data
cara :
Untuk mengganti carachter : [tab + previous/next weapon]
tp sebelumnya carachter harus di isi dulu,!!! kalo ga ya cuma ada renko
cara mengisi carachter adalah :
1.buka skin.img dengan img tool atau semacamnya,,...lalu klik command, lalu add,dan cari carachter yang ingin di masukan
cara menampilkan menu : [tab + previous_weapon + next_weapon] dan lepas tab tapi previous weapon dan next weapon tetap di tahan,,..
install :
letakan skin.img
di dalam folder cleo,
lalu copy file gta.dat dan paste ke gta san andreas\data
cara :
Untuk mengganti carachter : [tab + previous/next weapon]
tp sebelumnya carachter harus di isi dulu,!!! kalo ga ya cuma ada renko
cara mengisi carachter adalah :
1.buka skin.img dengan img tool atau semacamnya,,...lalu klik command, lalu add,dan cari carachter yang ingin di masukan
cara menampilkan menu : [tab + previous_weapon + next_weapon] dan lepas tab tapi previous weapon dan next weapon tetap di tahan,,..
Magic Mop / Sapu Terbang
Gravity Gun Gta San Andreas
mod ini untuk membuat Senjata keluaran baru,,,hehehe :P
Gravity Gun....,dr namanya pasti udah terbayang apa gunanya tuh pistol
gravity gun bisa mendekatkan sesuatu (mobil ,manusia ,motor ,pesawat ,dll)
dan melemparkan benda2 td....
untuk tutorialnya sungguh gampang mas bro...
install :
cukup letakan ggun.cs ke cleo-folder..,!!!
cara :
dalam permainan tulis kata "ggun" (tanpa tanda kutip) ...
control :
klik tengah....(baru denger yaaa...??) untuk mendekatkan sesuatu yg kamu arahkan dengan pistol ggun
klik kiri/Ctrl ...untuk menjauhkan sesuatu yg kamu arahkan dengan pistol ggun...!!!
Gravity Gun....,dr namanya pasti udah terbayang apa gunanya tuh pistol
gravity gun bisa mendekatkan sesuatu (mobil ,manusia ,motor ,pesawat ,dll)
dan melemparkan benda2 td....
untuk tutorialnya sungguh gampang mas bro...
install :
cukup letakan ggun.cs ke cleo-folder..,!!!
cara :
dalam permainan tulis kata "ggun" (tanpa tanda kutip) ...
control :
klik tengah....(baru denger yaaa...??) untuk mendekatkan sesuatu yg kamu arahkan dengan pistol ggun
klik kiri/Ctrl ...untuk menjauhkan sesuatu yg kamu arahkan dengan pistol ggun...!!!
Paint Job Camper (Motherfuck)
kalian pernah melihat mobil camper bercorat-coret???
yg sudah tamat pasti pernah melihatnya....
nah mod ini akan membuat mobil itu, motherfuck namanya
Install :
letakan "carmods.dat" ke "gta san andreas\data"
effect :
mod ini berfungsi untuk membuat paint job pada mobil "camper"
cara :
pakai mobil camper (bisa pakai crazy trainer 113+ untuk membuka camper) ,
lalu pergi ke tempat modiffy mobil,,..!!
pilih paint job, dan mobil akan berubah seperti motherfuck (mobil camper yang pernah
muncul di mission ,lihat SS!!)
untuk download
yg sudah tamat pasti pernah melihatnya....
nah mod ini akan membuat mobil itu, motherfuck namanya
Install :
letakan "carmods.dat" ke "gta san andreas\data"
effect :
mod ini berfungsi untuk membuat paint job pada mobil "camper"
cara :
pakai mobil camper (bisa pakai crazy trainer 113+ untuk membuka camper) ,
lalu pergi ke tempat modiffy mobil,,..!!
pilih paint job, dan mobil akan berubah seperti motherfuck (mobil camper yang pernah
muncul di mission ,lihat SS!!)
untuk download
Correr Rapido / Lari cepat
mod untuk berlari dengan cepat
(mohon maaf,,.di video terlihat lari begitu lambat gerakan kakinya, tapi aslinya grakan kaki dan tngannya cepat)
install :
letakan "correrRapido.cs" ke Cleo-folder
cara :
sebelumnya badan cj harus jadi kurus (bisa memakai crazy trainer 113+)
dan cobalah berlari saat kurus
Download Video
Corre Rapido
(mohon maaf,,.di video terlihat lari begitu lambat gerakan kakinya, tapi aslinya grakan kaki dan tngannya cepat)
install :
letakan "correrRapido.cs" ke Cleo-folder
cara :
sebelumnya badan cj harus jadi kurus (bisa memakai crazy trainer 113+)
dan cobalah berlari saat kurus
Download Video
Corre Rapido
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
What we have been doing
We have been up to the Blue Mountains and visited the Winter festival that was mighty packed as you can see.....and oh sooooo cold... Not used to the chill factor so much now and at 7 degrees but with a cold wind it was brisk! We were wrapped up more than we have been in 14 months and Finn & Isla were struggling a little with colds that resulted in a lot of shoulder rides - but hey ho - a good day was had by all. Us and 40,000 others. :)
The main street in Katoomba with the processions in full flow - look for the brightly coloured costumes in the middle of the throng of people working their way up the street. There was definitely a hippy Glastonbury feel to the place. Nice.
Now Andy has told me what this guy is called and I forget now - but it warrants a picture on the blog. He was pretty huge probably 6 feet 6 at least and what a costume!
Awsome drummers and great outfits and makeup, some of them were only teenagers and they were really good.
This one is for my MIL, June. We saw these ladies and thought of you. Ladies in purple with the bonus of red hats and great handbags. A society of ladies that lunch in purple indeed!
We have been spending this lovely sunny Wintery days in the Botanical gardens. I am totally in love with them and could spend days on end here. The old fig trees are gorgeous and my favourites. The last 2 times we have been it has been clear, sunny and 20 degrees - it's the middle of winter! Good times.
Sydney do a Family Funday Sunday which means that if you have children you can all travel for $2.50 on any of the buses and trains all the way down to Wollongong and up to Newcastle which is one mighty distance. Kids under 4 are free. So for $7.50 we can all catch the train into the city which I think is amazing value and makes the city so accessible for all families. Thumbs up!
A garden pitstop.
Catalogue pose!
A soft warm place for a little person to rest.
Classic Opera House shot. Gotta love those sails....
Now the turn of the little people in our lives. They did really well that day and walked all the way from the city to the Gardens, around to the Opera House, Circular Quay and then back to the train.
Now this is today. 2 large parcels were delivered to our door by the resident delivery driver who I am on the cusp of being on first name terms with! Gratefully received thanks Granny & Grandad!
Oooh, the anticipation!
The proud jigsaw builders! Very much enjoyed. :)))
Sunday, July 3, 2011
nih videonya
cara :
Replace "LOADSCS.TXD" ke GTA San Andreas\models/txd
cara :
Replace "LOADSCS.TXD" ke GTA San Andreas\models/txd
apa itu real map,,,???
langsung liat aja,,!!
nih download file radar
langsung liat aja,,!!
tertarik kah anda???
untuk caranya :
replace smua radar ke gta3.img dengan menggunakan img tool atau semacamnya ..,,,(emang sih pegel tapi kalo dah slesainya,,,keren)
nih download file radar
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Ghost Rider Mod
mod ini berfungsi untuk membuat carachter kita seperti ghostrider
sebelumnya kalian harus download Cleo terlebih dahulu,,,,..
lalu install cleo
lalu letakan "grider.cs" ke Cleo-folder
SS :
nih download
bagi yang kesusahan download di indowebster bisa di mediafire
sebelumnya kalian harus download Cleo terlebih dahulu,,,,..
lalu install cleo
lalu letakan "grider.cs" ke Cleo-folder
SS :
nih download
bagi yang kesusahan download di indowebster bisa di mediafire
Top 3 in the Emerald Faerie Challenge - Petals
Thanks to the Emerald Faerie Challenge Blog for awarding me a top 3 award in the Petals Challenge! Can't wait for the next one! - All Things Girly - definately going pink :)
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